The 2015 Chaos Report released by Standish Group revealed a disturbing trend in software rollout. The company tracked the success rate of software development projects from 2011 to 2015 and found that only an average of 28% came out unscathed. The common thread that unites all successful projects is the adoption of qa services to track and oversee the project cycles until the time of delivery.

Reasons Why Some IT Projects Fail to Get Off the Ground

The CIO survey by Harvey Nash/KPMG showed that weak leadership is the reason for a third of the project failures. The efficient use of technology gives any company an edge in a very competitive industry. According to the 2020 State of IT report, 44% of businesses plan on increasing their budgets for IT in the next year. The needle moved up a bit from the 38% of companies that increased their IT budget in 2019.

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