Unlike a static system that attaches to a permanent structure, mobile solutions can relocate wherever you need them. If your worksite changes locations depending on your type of industry, a surveillance solution that moves with you keeps your equipment and employees safe.  Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about mobile surveillance!

It’s Cost-Effective

You no longer need extensive wiring and lots of equipment to keep a site secure. Commonly used for construction sites, mobile health clinics, event venues, and other temporary worksites, this kind of surveillance technology provides cost savings compared to different types of security.  Equipment is affordable and travels with you. When it’s in use, companies can reduce costs through:

Eliminating the cost for 24/7 security guards Canceling expensive services connected to most monitored systems Requiring less equipment to monitor a site Avoiding expensive installation costs that are no longer necessary

A mobile surveillance system provides video and audio monitoring in a self-contained, compact, and durable system. Keep eyes and ears on a worksite and equipment without hiring human security guards and increasing your budgets. 

It’s Easy to Set Up

Time is money when you operate job sites that move from project to project. However, sacrificing site security can jeopardize the success of your business. A mobile system like The RATT is simple and quick to deploy and set-up. Experience a secure site without the delays of less-flexible systems that take too much time to set up and get online. With the right system, you also avoid mistakes like placing cameras in obscured locations or using a system that can’t live stream.  Mobile surveillance can also connect to solar power or use batteries that don’t require a cord attached to a power source. When you’re ready to start monitoring your site, set up your system—anywhere—and power it on. 

It’s Always On

You don’t have to worry about security guards that aren’t qualified or fall asleep on the job putting your equipment and work at risk. You also don’t have to increase your client’s budget to cover the costs of an expensive monitoring service throughout a project’s duration.  Mobile surveillance technology keeps an eye on your site 24/7 and records activity (or lack of activity). These systems can also alert you if something enters the job or clinic site. With some systems, set up alerts to contact the police and report an issue at your work site. 

Mobile Surveillance Is a Must-Have for Your Job Site!

Don’t waste money on unreliable security guards when it’s time to protect your job site or mobile clinic. Use a mobile surveillance system to travel with you and keep your equipment and area safe.  Was this information helpful? We hope you’ll browse more of our articles!

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