It is also vitally important as the average hotel room in America will set you back around $121.37. But it isn’t that hard at all if you know what you’re doing. In fact, by following these simple steps you can find nice cheap hotels that offer great value. Here’s how to save on hotels. 

1. Clear Your Cookies and Browsing History

The internet can seem like an all-knowing all-seeing invention. And indeed the more you search for something on Google or other booking sites for hotels the less likely you will be able to find a good price as the prices inflate. But the internet is not that clever. You can clear your cookies and browsing history or use private browsing in a browser such as the Adblocker browser to ensure you get the best prices.  Better still you could book your hotel from a library computer or use a friend’s computer so there is no prior trace of you and you are offered the best price. 

2. Stay Midweek

Not all of us have this luxury if we work full time but if you are lucky enough to have time off during the week or you have a flexible or freelance job you should take advantage and book a trip in the middle of the week. There will be fewer people traveling at this point as many couples like to do weekend getaways. 

3. Avoid School Vacation Periods  

In just the same way as you should avoid the weekend, be sure to avoid school or college vacation periods as well. Not only might you find it difficult to get one of the nice cheap hotels you will also find that the hotel itself is busy with children. If you are a couple or even a single person in a solo adventure, a hotel full of kids is not what you want. 

4. Book Last Minute 

It might sound counterintuitive but lots of websites and hotels now offer cheap rates if you book at the last moment. This is one of the main ways of how to save money on hotels.  It makes sense given that hotels will often not sell these rooms anyway, they would just stay empty. Also, don’t be afraid to ring up and negotiate a better rate on the day or the day before if you see the rooms are still empty.

How to Save on Hotels? Get Internet Savvy and Wait It out

The internet can be a frustrating tool but if used correctly it is one of the best ways for how to save on hotels: by clearing the system of your cookies and browsing history you can trick the system to make it offer you some really great deals. If you book last minute you can also save a lot of money rather than booking months or weeks in advance. If you’re interested in reading more news about hotels and lifestyle be sure to keep browsing our website.

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