In the workplace, constructive criticism should be provided to support your career goals. When done correctly, constructive criticism:

Improves trust between employees and managers Creates a better understanding of employer expectations Can decrease employee turnover by 14.9% Positively impacts an employee’s behavior

Yet, the word ‘criticism’ is generally perceived as being negative. As a result, there can be misunderstandings about the content of upcoming conversations thought to be about criticism. A more favorable term would be ‘constructive feedback’. This phrase suggests that the conversation is going to be more upbeat and positive. Regardless of the terminology, the delivery and outcome of the feedback should be the same.

How Do You Give Constructive Criticism?

24% claim they would leave their job if they received inadequate feedback. Follow these tips:

Always provide feedback in private. Publicly discussing someone’s performance will put them under unnecessary pressure and make them feel singled out. Performance reviews should always be completed behind closed doors so there is the time and space to have a discussion. Make it a two-way conversation. The whole concept behind constructive criticism is that the receiver understands their strengths and weaknesses and has a clear idea on how to improve. Reading out a long list of faults does nothing but demotivate. Both the employee and manager need to have a dialogue about what can be improved and the best way to do it. Be specific. Constructive criticism needs to be specific and to the point. Rather than just saying their communication skills need improving, try to say what particular element of communication they struggle with, such as conciseness, and on what occasion you witnessed any issues. Add in some positive comments. Constructive criticism is better received when sandwiched between positive feedback. Using the example above, you could say that they have a lovely telephone voice, which makes people feel comfortable. But the way they deliver the information needs to be more concise. That being said, you are incredibly impressed with their commitment to providing all the relevant information. Suggest actionable improvement steps. Feedback is supposed to benefit both the employee and employer. For it to be helpful, the receiver needs to have actionable steps that they can take that also line up with their goals. For example, if their goal is to become a team leader, the actionable improvement steps should facilitate that. Depending on the company’s employee development program, that could look like shadowing another team leader for the day or participating in a workshop. Try to have improvements steps that follow the SMART principle – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound. Avoid assumptions. Only provide feedback on what you see and hear. Do not assume that the person is lazy or slow, or whatever the assumption may be. Simply state that you have observed that, for example, they are slower at completing their work compared to the rest of the team. Then follow up with “Do you feel this is accurate, and could there be any reasons for it?”. That person may not understand their role properly or be having problems at home. We all come from different backgrounds and cultures. Assuming someone is a certain way before having a conversation with them can cause hostile environments. Do not get personal. Focus on the actions, not the person or their personality. If their desk is unorganized and below company standards, say that. Do not call them messy or disorganized, as insulting someone is no way to get them to listen to you. It is a similar concept to not making assumptions. Just because a person is a certain way at work, it does not always mean they are the same at home. Ask for their thoughts. Constructive criticism is a two-way conversation. Throughout the discussion, ask the receiver: If they understand what is being said If they agree with it What actionable steps they would like to take What they would like to see from you, the person giving the feedback If there is anything else they wish to discuss

Opening up the conversation creates trust and allows the employee to feel supported and respected. In turn, this improves their performance and motivation. Depending on the company’s employee development program, that could look like shadowing another team leader for the day or participating in a workshop. Try to have improvements steps that follow the SMART principle – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.

What Is the Best Response to Constructive Criticism?

When someone criticizes or passes judgment on something you have done, it is very easy to react. But feedback is essential for growth and development. The next time you receive constructive criticism or feedback, try the following:

Listen Closely

It is easy to get distracted when you hear something you do not like. It is even easier to lose concentration and focus only on those negative words when you are in a stressful situation like a performance review. Try and not get consumed by the words you do not like, and listen closely to everything that is being said. Make notes on anything you want to discuss further, and do not interrupt until your manager has finished speaking. For example, If you have any questions, ask them at this stage. You are both then free to discuss your actionable improvement steps in a calm and understanding environment. You should also consider that the person delivering your feedback may also be nervous or uncomfortable. Clarifying what they have said lets them know that they have delivered the information correctly and allows them to correct if they have not.

Avoid Getting Defensive

Everyone has a different personality. When someone notices one of your mistakes or problem behaviors, you may sometimes get embarrassed, ashamed or feel guilty. For some, a natural reaction is to become defensive; particularly if you consider yourself a perfectionist or an expert in your role. In these situations, you need to remember that the feedback is designed to help you. If your manager raises an issue that was not your fault, calmly tell them the facts of the situation after you have shown you understand what has been said. For example, Interrupting and becoming angry or argumentative will solve nothing. Feedback is based on observations. You cannot argue with what they see, but you can explain yourself.

Take Responsibility

Again, if something genuinely was not your fault, let your manager know. Otherwise, take ownership of your mistakes. Showing a willingness to listen and grow tells employers that you are a mature and valuable employee and worth investing in. No employer wants to employ someone difficult. You do not need to give your manager a long list of reasons why you fall short. You just need to understand what has been discussed, accept it, then work on it.

Say Thank You

But you have to mean it. Your manager has spent a lot of time preparing your feedback and actionable steps. Once the session is over, look them in the eyes and express your appreciation and gratitude for their time and guidance.

Make the Adjustments

If you and your manager have agreed on improvement steps, make sure you take them. Not only does this show your employer that you are worth the development, but it also shows your manager that you value them and their input. Many employees do not take their feedback seriously, which can be infuriating for managers that have made the time to help develop those people’s careers. Discuss the improvement steps with your manager to make sure they follow the SMART principle:

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound

Schedule a follow-up meeting so you have a deadline to assess if you are taking the correct actions. When your manager sees that you are making an active effort, they will also take more of an interest.

Examples of Constructive Criticism

These examples will give both bad and good examples of how a manager can deliver and an employee can respond to a certain piece of feedback. In the bad examples, there is usually no respect for one another and no two-way conversation, with the manager being demanding and the employee being defensive. In good examples, the manager talks about the positives they have noticed as well as negatives and allows the employee space to explain. The employee, in turn, trusts that their manager wants them to improve and will be able to explain the situation without getting defensive while acknowledging areas they need help in.

Scenario One: Missing Deadlines

Bad Example:

Manager: Employee:

Good Example:

Manager: Employee:

Scenario Two: Failing to Reach Targets

Bad Example

Manager: Employee:

Good Example

Manager: Employee:

Scenario Three: A Toxic Attitude

Bad Example

Manager: Employee:

Good Example

Manager: Employee:

Final Thoughts

Constructive criticism is difficult for both people involved. The giver does not know how their feedback is going to be received, and the receiver does not know what to expect or how they are going to react. When receiving feedback, remember that it is designed to benefit both you and your employer. It is not for your manager to list all the things they do not like about you. If you feel that you are not receiving effective constructive criticism, then you should discuss the matter with your manager and a member of HR. For all future constructive criticism, remember:

The purpose of the feedback To listen carefully Try to fully understand what has been said Create actionable improvement steps Follow through with your steps