Maybe it’s just the idea that beach parking is no worry if you’re willing to just drive up to the very edge of the motherflapping water and just call it good enough? Honestly, I bet it has more to do with the fact that today the entire staff is heading out to Los Angeles and I have to try and keep the illusion that everyone is here and everything is running just fine until I have to hit the airport this afternoon. So, you know, don’t give me too much shit about typos today, because it’s gonna be a rough one. Hope your weekend is fantastic! Karen in HR would like to have a word with you…. But that inflatable mallard to the left, is merely a struggling artist, trying to get a small ‘abstract expressionism’ reference into his oeuvre, whilst being micromanaged by accountants and ad men. You have to feel for the poor schmuck. Skoda’s advertising Vice President’s nephew is a struggling artist at some Prague institute of art and had painted this picture for this Senior Project. To help out the little buddy, Uncle Marek insisted that they use his beach seen in the latest sales pitch. So another poor Skoda automobile artist Luka has now been tasked with superimposing the Skoda Octavia onto this piece of crap painting using the same yellow color as the bikini to boot. Also, is there someone lurking behind that rear window? Some peeping Tomáš back there, eye-humping the Czech pin-up girl, or perhaps plotting his Saw-like revenge on the two little brats who stole his beach ball when he went bathroom? Also, I think the perspective on every item in the image is just so slightly different from every other item on the page. What tyops?

Cold Start  Nothing About This Feels Right - 94