It offers two graduate programmes: a Management Consulting Programme and a Technology Consulting Programme. The application process for both is similar, although there are a number of key differences, as described below.

About Capgemini

Capgemini has a strengths-based assessment process, which means that they look for not only what you’re good at, but also what you enjoy doing. This helps them understand whether you are a good fit for Capgemini and its graduate schemes. Of course, it also helps you to understand whether you are likely to enjoy working for the company or not. Don’t be tempted to try to guess what they’re looking for and fake your responses, as this is likely to make you come across as inauthentic. More importantly, if you are not a good fit with the company then it is probably not the right opportunity for you anyway - and it’s better to discover that sooner rather than later.

Capgemini’s Values

Capgemini has seven values and it is important that you try to demonstrate these within the application process. You can read all about them here. They are:

Honesty Boldness Trust Freedom Team Spirit Modesty Fun

As well as these values, Capgemini looks for graduates with particular strengths. They are:

The desire to be in the driving seat A love of learning Thriving on working with others Loving a challenge

The Application Process

The process involves: Capgemini seeks “confident, bright, articulate individuals who know the value of working collaboratively to achieve objectives. Hardworking, flexible, upbeat people who are destined for an excellent career with us.”

Online Application Form

The application form is not dissimilar from those used by many other companies. It includes standard information-gathering questions and determines whether you have the minimum qualification levels necessary for the scheme. Capgemini looks for candidates who have a 2:1 (although they will consider 2:2 for Technology Consulting if there are additional qualifications or mitigating circumstances). Applicants for the Management Consulting programme also need to have ABB (320 UCAS points) at A level.

Online Situational Strengths Test

The next stage is a situational judgement test, which presents you with a series of scenarios you may encounter and asks how you would respond to them. You do so by prioritising your responses from a list of multiple options. There are eight questions and there is no time limit. The strengths-based questions seek to understand more about you and your motivations. There is no spell-check facility, so write out your answers in an application which does have one and then cut and paste into the application form. Questions that have previously been asked include:

Why are you a good fit with Capgemini? What personal achievements are you most proud of? What are your interests outside of work or study? Why are they important to you? What makes you stand out from the crowd?

Verbal, Numerical and Logical Reasoning Tests

If you are successful with the situational strengths test, you will be emailed links to the verbal, numerical and logical reasoning tests shortly afterwards. Capgemini uses SHL tests, which are widely used. These are timed tests and you need to complete as many questions as possible in the time allocated. Working quickly but carefully is the key to success with these tests.

Logical reasoning: 24 questions in 25 minutes Verbal reasoning: 30 questions in 19 minutes Numerical reasoning: 20 questions in 19 minutes

As a double-check, after completing these tests you will be required to pass a ‘verification’ test at the assessment centre (to be sure you didn’t cheat or get help the first time around).

Strengths-Based Interview

The next stage of the application process is a strengths-based interview. This aims to understand your strengths and what you enjoy doing, as well as your reasons for applying for Capgemini and the scheme you’ve selected. The nature of this approach means that many people find strengths-based interviews less difficult than standard competency-based interviews. The interview typically lasts around 30 minutes. Applicants for the Technical scheme will complete the interview over the phone, while applicants for the Management Consulting scheme will complete an automated video interview. If you’ve never completed an automated video interview before, it is worth doing some practice so that you can familiarise yourself with the format. Read more about Sonru interviews here, for example. To prepare for this interview, think about your strengths and development areas, your successes and what you enjoy. Remember to carefully research Capgemini, its business model, competitive environment and the details of the scheme you have applied for. Questions that have previously been asked include:

How do you work with a team without taking over? How do you deal with the frustration of things not working? What is your greatest achievement? What are your weaknesses? Tell me about a time you worked successfully as part of a team. Tell me about a time when something didn’t go as planned and what you did. When have you used different styles of communication to influence different people? Give an example of a situation where you had to adjust to change, highlighting what you learned and how you coped. Why do you want to work at Capgemini? What do you know about Capgemini? What are the Capgemini values? Who are clients of Capgemini? Are you aware of, and do you think you could cope with, the commitments of travel that consultants have? What do you think will be the most annoying thing about consultancy? Why did you choose to go to the university you did? Why are you interested in technology? If you could have anyone in the world as a contact to improve your network of contacts, who would it be?

Assessment Centre

The final stage of the application process is an assessment centre, which is once again based around your strengths and how you demonstrate them. The assessment centres typically include both Technical and Management Consultancy candidates, although they may feature slightly different activities depending on the programme. Remember, show your strengths and why you’re excited about working for Capgemini. Candidates applying for either scheme will have an interview with a manager from within the business. The interview will focus on strengths-based questions that are similar to those asked during the telephone/video interview. You should also be prepared to explain why you have applied to Capgemini and your particular scheme, as well as showing a good general awareness of the business. The interview will typically last around an hour. Questions that have been asked previously include:

Why Capgemini? Why this programme? What does a consultant do?

Additions to the Application Process

There are some additional aspects to Capgemini’s main application process, as follows:

Case Study Review

About a week before the assessment centre, candidates from both schemes will be provided with a package of information to understand, analyse and interpret before preparing a case study to present at the centre. In the past this has taken the form of a data modelling challenge, where candidates are presented with a data set to analyse and asked to present the results of their analysis. Candidates applying for the Management Consulting programme will also be asked to complete an ‘on the spot’ case study review. This is a similar but shorter version of the case study exercise described above. Candidates will be provided with a selection of material and then given around 30 minutes to examine and understand the material, and prepare a case study that will then be presented to an assessor. Previous candidates have been asked to prepare a proposal for a client that has approached them.

Paper-Based Verbal Reasoning Tests

Candidates applying for the Management Consulting programme will also be asked to complete paper-based verbal tests to validate their online tests. These will, once again, be SHL tests.

Group Exercise

During the group exercise, candidates will be split into groups of four to six candidates who may or may not be applying for the same scheme. They are presented with some case study information, typically around 15 pages, and asked to discuss it and present solutions or strategies to the interviewers. You will be given around 10 minutes to read the information and then 30 minutes to discuss it as a group. Previous candidates have been asked to discuss an investment strategy. Capgemini is particularly interested in candidates who can work collaboratively with others, so it’s important to demonstrate that you can work effectively as part of a team.

Presentation Exercise

Candidates from both schemes will also be asked to prepare and present a presentation. They will be allocated a topic and provided with a short amount to time to prepare a presentation which they will then need to deliver to an assessor. Be prepared to answer questions throughout the presentation, rather than just at the end.