Full body workout 

Bodyweight exercises are the easiest to do while at home with no equipment. You don’t need to head to sign up at the gym for a great workout; this workout is ideal for training your whole body. You are sure to be exhausted in 20 minutes, and every part of your body will feel it. To get through the workout, you need to rest after each set. You should aim to complete one set of an exercise then move on to the next activity. Once all the exercises have been completed, you can start from the beginning.

#1. Single squats – 10 on each side

The pistol squat might seem like climbing Mount Everest; it isn’t hard when you get started the first time. This single-leg squat was made to help you build up the strength for a full pistol squat.

#2. Mountain climbers 40 seconds 

Mountain climbers are only as easy as you make them; whether you are a slow climber with an even tempo, or a mountain spider getting through them with speed, pick a pace that you are comfortable with and go a little faster. Push yourself to do better. Also read: 10 Mind Bending Benefits of Daily Pilates Exercises

#3. Reverse crunches 60 seconds

These might seem simple however they target stubborn belly fat and set those abs on fire.

#4. Banded bodyweight squats: 15 reps

Banded squats help you maintain proper form and add an element of resistance training to traditional bodyweight-based strength training. Also read: 5 of the Best core exercises, a mini guide!

#5. Glute bridge with resistance band: 15 reps 

Glute bridges build beautiful glutes. These are a little easier to get straight into it.

#6. Clamshell – 15 reps each side 

These are excellent hip abductors. Make sure you are comfortable on your side and engage your muscles; you should feel the contraction to know you are truly getting the best out of your workout. Also read: 10 Steps to Achieve Holistic Health & Lifestyle

# 7. Push-ups with shoulder taps: 10 reps

This arm exercise is intense.

HIIT Sprint Workout 

There are plenty of cardio workouts that can get your blood pumping and your heart rate soaring. Try a round of HIIT sprints in your street to get a complete cardio and HIIT workout in 20 minutes or less. The idea is to run 50 yards at maximum intensity, actively rest by lightly jogging on the spot for 45 seconds before repeating a full intensity sprint. Aim to repeat the cycle 5- 6 times.

Go Get Your Sweat On! 

Exercise should be more than just getting sweaty and out of breath. It is about developing a healthy relationship with your body. The exercise was made to combat age-related strains, maintaining healthy weight loss, and helping you stay stress-free.

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