Think of the hassle of moving everything while also dealing with the newborn’s health, feeding, and crying. It can get chaotic! But, with enough foresight and careful planning, you can avoid any complications and make the process easier. Make sure to continue reading for these tips to make moving houses with a newborn less stressful:

1. Plan Before the Move

Be sure to plan how and what you’re packing eight weeks before your moving day. This step also includes changing your address in important files like your social security. Check the homeowner’s insurance policies to see if the moving is final and you’re protected in your property insurance. Make sure to drop your current utilities and services like your internet, water, and electricity. 

Stick to Your Routine

Your routine shouldn’t change while you’re packing and moving to prevent stress for your baby. The schedules when you feed your baby and put them to sleep should be steady, as they don’t like changes to their routine.

Talk to A Doctor and Pediatrician

You should do a checkup to gauge your health and make sure it’s safe for you to move. You should also do a final check with your pediatrician to see if your baby is in good health a day before moving. A pediatrician can give you tips on how to keep your baby happy and entertained. Additionally, you can ask them to refer you to a pediatrician near your new home. While there, you have to get a copy of all your child’s medical records to give to your new pediatrician. It’s also smart to find yourself a good ob-gyn doctor for yourself especially if you recently gave birth.

Have Enough Sleep

With enough sleep, you and your baby will feel safer and take the moving process easier. Newborns are prone to moving house stress; because your baby does not understand the process and why it’s happening. Sleep can affect how they act during the trip. This in turn can also cause you to stress; so, having enough sleep can affect both you and your baby’s mood.

2. Organize Your Packing Process

The packing process will likely take up most of your time before moving day. You should start packing all your items four weeks before moving. Keep an inventory list of all your stuff and decide which ones have to go, recycle, donate, and keep. Load up on your medicines, clothes, toiletries, and finally, electronics. Two days before you move, be sure to defrost your ref and take your valuables and important documents in a carry-on.

Have All Your Essentials

Keep in mind the items your baby needs during the trip and place them in a carry-on bag. Pack supplies for at least 3 days (or more), especially if you’re traveling far. Include things like diapers, wipes, rash cream, and other newborn essentials.

3. Map Out Your Moving Trip

When you’re moving with a newborn, you’ll have to make a lot of stops in case they need diaper changes. Plan for extra time and flexibility by mapping where you can stop by, like parks and restaurants. If you’re flying, then prepare activities and snacks for the trip. To lessen the struggle of holding your baby the entire flight, check if they allow any strollers or carriers on the plane.

4. Have Someone Take Care of The Baby

When the boxes and furniture are being transferred, it’s best to send your little ones to a day-care. You can also have your friends or family members take care of them, so you can focus on moving. It’s also best you search for a new daycare or childcare service near your new home if you’re going to be busy.

5. Get All the Help You Need

If you don’t have a car of your own, you should borrow a family-friendly car or SUV.  Find a car that has enough space for your baby carrier, and make sure you can fill the car with all your boxes. Calling your friends and family to support you when packing and moving can be a big help. Even better, hire a moving labor service to help you move and unload all your items. Be sure to check if they are reliable and have a good reputation. You can supervise and give instructions to your movers just before you leave. Don’t forget to make last-minute checks in each room before leaving the house.

6. Unpack the Nursery First

After moving in, set up the nursery first to allow you to change your baby and put them to sleep. Arrange your nursery similar to how it was in your previous home to allow your baby to transition easily to your new home. Set up the crib and be sure to look for anything that can suffocate and strangle your baby. Look for any missing or broken parts and be sure that nothing around the crib can fall into it. Use a tight-fitting mattress with a crib sheet and not soft bedding as it may suffocate the baby.

7. Baby-Proof Your New Home

Before you get to enjoy your new home, check for any small objects that babies can choke on and hide those. Since babies love to crawl around and touch everything, look around for sharp edges and loose hardware while you’re at it. Try crawling around your house and see if there is anything to grab and crawl into. It’s a great way to see what they can see, so be sure to grab anything your baby can choke on. You can also install some working smoke alarms around the house and test them monthly. Put safety gates on staircases and place child-resistant locks onto drawers and cabinets. Be sure to cover any electrical outlets and anchor your furniture like bookshelves. 

Make Moving With A Newborn Easier Today

Give it some time for you and your family to adjust to the new environment. Moving with a newborn isn’t so complicated when you have a plan, have the right moving labor company, and you have help. Did you learn something new? If you did and you’re looking for more moving tips or other lifestyle guides, we’ve got your back! We encourage you to explore more of our content right here, today!

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