1. Work Directly with the CEOs

The team is generally small so you get a chance to work directly under the CEOs and also see how they work and run the start-up. It can help you to grow yourself to a better manager or an entrepreneur. They guide and mentor you. Not only that if you put up a valid point they would even listen to you and try to implement it if possible.  

2. Informal Atmosphere

Start-up is a place where you do not feel like you are going to work. No formal clothes needed, you can wear your casual clothing. The bosses are really cool and have fun during the evening time. At majority places there are no fixed timings and you can even leave early once in a while. All are of nearly same age so the fun never ends, it just increases…  

3. Gain Knowledge of Multiple Fields

Well, in a start-up you are hardly confined to any role. Being a naive you get a chance to observe and learn about various fields. If you are pursuing Bachelors in Commerce,you can get a chance to do your internship in marketing, in HR, in content writing, in making important calls and in designing field all at one place. Not only that if you are lucky the computer engineer may also teach you his skills, same in others.All in package!  

4. Create Networks Easily

Start-up is a medium through which you can get a chance to meet people frequently. Whether it be the interns from other colleges or cities, or with the other start-up initiator, or if they deal with other companies you can get a chance to build relations with them as well. Being a student of a college you cannot make these contacts easily but by being an intern, the task becomes easy.  

5. No Bureaucracy

In a start-up we can hardly see any fight amongst the people who push others to go ahead. You may find few people who work together, fall together and also rise together. There would hardly be any fights amongst the employees and the interns. All work as equal here. No long hierarchies to be followed. Related Content: – Nepotism in Indian Politics  

6. Want to be an Entrepreneur? It’s surely for You.

If you have a desire to be an entrepreneur and want to gain an experience, then start-up is for you. Being an intern you get a chance to observe the start-up from scratch. You are working with the CEOs, so you can know how they work and thus you can get a mentor. And if the work inspires you, you can get a business idea through it as well. Not only that, it has been seen that interns turn into the owners of the same start-up. Make sure that you read:- 5 Reasons Why Smart People Fail  

7. Makes You Feel Like a Family Even after You Leave

The relationship of the employer and the intern does not break in the start-up after you leave your internship. Rather you get a friend who is more experienced and you get a chance to learn and get guidance from them in the future. And I am sure when you will leave you will be the part of that start-up family. After reading this you might be interested in interning in a start-up. So don’t waste your summer break this year and make it LEGENDARY!

If you are looking for an internship yourself, then why not intern with us.

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