We are stressed out. Did you know that 77% of the American population experience the physical symptoms of stress? One of the best ways to aid in stress relief is to get out in nature. What better way to do that than hopping on your motorcycle and cruising one of the best motorcycle rides in America. Add this list of the

7 best motorcycle routes to your riding bucket list.

This meandering highway snakes its way through the Blue Ridge mountain range in North Carolina and Virginia. At almost 500 miles it is known as “America’s Favorite Drive.” As you make your way through the mountains be sure to take a break at one of the many lookout spots. You’ll get a real sense for why these mountains are considered blue. The Dragon  While you are in the area be sure to test your skills on the dragon. This curvy mountain road is not for the faint of heart or beginner riders. It’s a short 11 miles but boasts over 300 curves. This road is no joke and should not be taken lightly. There is even a death map of those that did not make it. If you tackle this road and fall victim, you’ll want to learn more about getting legal representation when submitting a claim to your insurance company. This is the only major paved road that gives you stunning views of Glacier National Park. This happens to be considered one of the most beautiful parks in the country. It isn’t very long at 50 miles, but it’s packed with breathtaking views. There are also a few twists and turns that will put your skills to the test. As you ride, you’ll climb 3,000 feet to the summit Logan Pass at 6,646 feet. You need to take a break on your way up at Jackson Glacier Overlook. The views are seriously jaw-dropping. This is a ride you need to check the weather for before you head out or you could be in for a bad time. South Dakota is famous for being home to the world famous Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. But what most people don’t realize is that there is some fantastic riding out there. Whether you are taking a break from the party or are there for the ride, you need to add the needles highway to your bucket list. In fact, we’d recommend doing this road when the rally isn’t in full swing. During the rally, this road gets packed, and you will spend more time doing the break/clutch game than actually riding. So head out when the road is less crowded and enjoy a cruise on this winding road. Just like the other roads on this list, you’ll have some wide sweeping views of the landscape. What makes it stand out are the tunnels cut out of the rock that you will drive through. Some are so narrow you’ll be thankful you are on a bike. Mount Rushmore  Since you are already there, plan to take a break and check out Mount Rushmore. You can access it via the Needles Highway. You may know this road better by its other name, the Pacific Coast Highway. This highway will have you traveling north and south along California’s coast. There is more traffic on this route, and it lacks the skill level challenge of other roads on this list. It makes up for these downfalls with some of the most beautiful sights you will ever see. As you travel along this route, you’ll ride through small towns and large cities giving you plenty of opportunities to explore. This is another route that is best for those with some riding experience under their belt. While not as challenging as The Dragon, it is a close second. Located in Texas, you’ll ride a 100-mile loop that consists of three different roads. As you make your way around TX 337, TX 336, and TX 335 you’ll experience turns, twists, steep climbs, and some heart-stopping drops. Head north to Maine in the summertime and take US Route 1 south. You’ll make your way down a two-lane road stretching 167 miles. This is a road for cruising through quaint towns and stopping for fresh and delicious seafood. If you’re looking for heart-stopping twisties and turns, this isn’t it. But if scenic detours are your speed, then you’ve found your next destination ride. This ride is only 124 miles but you’ll want to make sure you plan to do it in two days. Stay overnight in the area, and you’ll be rewarded with some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises you will ever see. On your ride, you’ll enjoy the wonder of nature in multicolored rock formations, canyons, and cliffs. You’ll cruise your way through the Petrified Forest State Park, the Capitol Reef National Park, and Bryce Canyon.

Plan Your Trip to the Best Motorcycle Rides

So which one of the best motorcycle rides will you tackle first? If you are looking to test your skills and get a thrill The Dragon and Twisted Sisters are an excellent choice. If cruising and checking out the sights along the way are more your thing, then the Pacific Coast Highway and Coastal Route 1 are calling your name. If you’d rather tackle these great routes in a car then you need to check out the 8 best crossovers that are perfect for your next road trip.

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